no mas
So registration closed for the NY Spring open yesterday around 1300. I've got a decent number of people in my bracket, which hopefully will give me a few fights. I just gotta go in, play my game and I will be fine. My preparations feel good up to this point. I hit the gym hard with my lifting, agility and cardio training. I work hard in the academy on my Jiu-Jitsu, and I have great training partners, hopefully things will come together and I will do OK.
Looking over at the Black Belt divisions there is some nice competition. Both Miayo brothers, Paulo Filho, Gianni Grippo, Renan Borges, Roberto Torralbas, and Tim Spriggs to name a few. I am going to enjoy watching some of these matches. If I'm lucky I'll be able to get some video to post up on my YouTube channel and pictures to post here.
On another note, I actually went skating for a little bit this week. The weather has been shitty and cold, but one day this week it was decent enough to go out and knock the rust off. Can't wait for the nicer weather to get here so I can hit the street.