5 Simple ways to get better at Jiu-Jitsu
1) Practice.
2) Practice more.
3) Keep Practicing.
4) Just when you think you've done enough, do another rep.
5) Focus on you and don't worry about getting a tap or what someone else is doing.
Follow these simple steps and your Jiu-Jitsu will go improve so much so, people will think you are on some performance enhancing drug.
I have been thinking lately about progress and improving my Jiu-Jitsu. Basically it comes down to more practice aside from my normal training. I've either gotta find more time and a partner to drill with or pay my kid who I'm sure will think it some sort of torture. Pumba might be a possibility to meet up and drill with, Steve also. Once I get back from holiday, I will really look into it more. Pumba and I tossed the idea around already and he would be down to drill. Watching technique videos and matches will help but nothing beats hands on time.