Travel and Jiu-Jitsu Adventures.



I've seen a few different brands of soap marketed for combat sports for sale out on the internet, but never bothered to pay them any attention.  I'm usually not one to get skin infections, I try to avoid sitting around in sweaty gear, and always washing my stuff after each use, so these soaps weren't something that was in my wheelhouse.  However, with it being summer, and since I've been consistently training nogi at least once a week, I decided to give one of these soaps a shot.  In mid-July, I went ahead and ordered from Brabo Soap Co., which is a small company based out of Bundoran, County Donegal, Ireland.  I'm vaguely familiar with the area as it's north of where we're from.  A few years ago, while waiting for my cousin to get home from school, we stopped in Bundoran and took a walk on the beach which was pretty nice, before going out to dinner.

Their website was easy enough to navigate and use.  I ended up ordering the "Battle Pack" which included two of the "Devils Lettuce" bars and two of the "Classic" bars.  I was a bit concerned about the shipping, but a quick Instagram message reassured me that they did ship to the USA, and about 7-8 days later, it showed up in my mailbox.  Everything was intact, which was pretty good after coming from so far, and there even was a nice hand-written note from the owner (Gavin) thanking me for my purchase.  The soap was moderately priced with the total being 26$ including shipping costs.

The soap is all natural and contains oils, moisturizers and exfoliants, everything you might need to maintain your skin after a tough training session.  I've used it after every class since getting it, and so far, I like it.  It smells pretty good, hasn't turned my skin into sandpaper by over drying it and seems to last since I keep out of the shower when not using it.  More than likely, I'll pack a bar when we head out on our next trip rather then bring a bottle of body wash (I've had those leak in the past and make a mess in my toiletry bag).

In case you're wondering, they aren't paying me for this, nor did they give me free product.  I decided to write this based on my experience with their product.