news. part deuce.
I had meant to share this news last week. (see "news. part one" post). But that was before my car shit the bed, the tournament, and my cousins father passing away. Yeah. Its been a crazy busy week and a half, and that's not all. My training this week has been all fucked-up and spotty.
One of the things I love to do aside from Jiu-Jitsu is to travel (and train Jiu-Jitsu where I visit). Like I said on the "me" page, I'm the type of guy to plan a whole trip around training. So far I've been to Atos in San Diego on a work trip, Alliance Marcelo Garcia in NYC just because, and Alliance Sligo in Sligo Ireland while visiting family.
So this time I booked a trip to Ireland again for 9 days Its going to be a blast! I get to drink, visit family, drive on the wrong side of the road, and train. Hopefully I will get to train 3 times while I am there. Ideally once in Dublin at East Coast Jiu-Jitsu academy which is a Ribeiro School run by Black Belt, Darragh O Conaill. This guy is legit, medals in 2014: Copenhagen NoGi Division and Open and in his Gi division, Europeans NoGi Division and Open. I'm definitely looking forward to visiting his school and doing some training. More then likely I will get smashed but, no worries, it'll be class as they say in Ireland.
After leaving Dublin we are going to be heading "home" which is up in Kilglass, County Sligo. Here we will be staying in Sligo Town and driving about to see family, drink and train. Last time I was here I went to Alliance Sligo, which was right in town. This gym is run by brothers, Ryan and Morgan Smyth, and their friend Mickey Downs. These guys are pretty legit also. They run a tough school with a bunch of guys with variety of skill levels. They beat me up pretty well the first day I went there, while the second day wasn't as bad. I think Ryan is an active competitor in both IBJJF and other tournaments. It will also be nice to see some of the guys who I met last time, Arto, Dominik, John etc.
Alliance Sligo 10/13
I still have to shoot both academies and email as a courtesy just to let them know I would like to stop in and train. Meanwhile, I'd better stack up the chips so I can have some fun over there and keep training hard so I don't get smashed too horribly.