Work can be smooth or work can be annoying as fuck. Today it was the latter.
Work for me is in a lab. One of my jobs (I have 3, two pt and one per diem) is to test meat for bacteria such as Salmonella and Campylobacter, isolate it and send it to the FDA for antibiotic resistance testing. Both organisms are enteric pathogens which give you diarrhea and are present in food products like meat or eggs or unpasteurized milk. This sounds like fun but it reeeeaaaaaly smells bad. SO bad that most people I work with can't stand it and tend to blame me for any nasty smell in our lab and corridor. Its not always my fault, my supervisor is more guilty then me but I get the blame. I'm kinda used to the smell at this point though. This job is actually not a bad job as far as jobs go, its even taken me a few places, like the FDA headquarters in Maryland.
Outside the FDA building. It used to be a Naval Ordnance Laboratory. Now its 33+ buildings on a huge campus filled with movers and shakers and me for 2 days.
It wasn't the work itself today but the general nonsense which goes on there...Normally it doesn't bother me (not much does, I go with the flow). For whatever reason today it did. But worst of all, I let it get to me and didn't leave it at work. Fatal error... So I rolled like shit, felt distracted, not focused and in a fog, compounding my work annoyances. The only plus from today was seeing Gary start to get more comfortable teaching the Basics class, he is doing a pretty good job. ON an another note, I think I will take a long lunch tomorrow and go to midday Gi training to make up for the all around shit show of today.