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I am pretty beat today.  I put in work all week and now it all caught up to me.  I started last Sunday with cardio at the gym followed by class at 1130 until 1300.  Monday I had to work at both jobs from 0730-2200 so no training, lifting or cardio, however a sixteen hour day is no joke.  On Tuesday, I did cardio and then trained from 1800 until 2000.  Wednesday I was off from work so I got up and walked the dog.  At 1130 I went to our Gi class, which was packed for some reason (15 people at least).  AT 1800 I hopped in my car and drove down to Fishkill top train from 1930-2100 at our sister school, BlackHole Jiu-Jitsu.  On Thursday I hit up one of our Gi classes before I called it a night.  On top of all this, I had to ferry my daughter around as she had an Ed Sheeran concert on Wednesday was getting ready to go to Florida on Thursday.  The kicker of the week was my kid, who as kids tend to do, got me sick with a cold.

Training at BlackHole was pretty fun.  Its always good to roll with people who you never or hardly ever roll with.  Class was pretty much like ours, warm-ups followed by a few moves of the day where each move  built off the prior move.  This was followed up by some sparring.  At this point my old ass was pretty beat from training earlier in the day but I gave it my all.  Hopefully I didn't move too much like a dead fish.  An interesting side note from training  was that one guy remembered me from a tournament.  I didn't fight him though, apparently I had fought his friend and caught the kid with an flying armbar in the first 20 seconds of the match.  I was kind of shocked he remembered it and me, and I was more shocked when he asked me if I practiced it and if I could explain and show it to him.  We chatted for a few minutes and then we went over it. For me it was just interesting, to be remembered and to have a Brown Belt ask me how to perform a technique.  

Today, I had to work at the hospital and barely made it through.  It wasn't busy, I just felt crappy and kinda tired.  Hopefully I'll feel better tomorrow and won't blow my whole weekend.