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Dragon Fruit

This past week has been an interesting week.  Lets see...texts and pic from Ireland, as my cousins are over there on holiday.  I'm going to have a nice mobile bill this month, but whatever, I'm glad they thought of me and are having a good time.  I am planing on going over August/September (hopefully)...My other cousin got of of jail. Again.  Hopefully this time he cleans himself up.  Drugs are bad kids.  I am semi encouraged though.  He doesn't look like death, and has put on weight.  I guess he was lifting while locked up and wants to start hitting the gym with me.  He and I used to go religiously to lift a few times a week.  We will see if he can get through his program.

Training wise it was a good week.  I made it in four times, three with the Gi and one No-Gi session.  I lifted and did cardio twice also.  I was dead by the end of the week but overall I feel pretty good.  This whole "Master 2 " thing sucks.  I am pretty much starting to get more and more into tournament mode, watching what I eat, cutting out beer and not snacking unnecessarily.  This week will be interesting though since I was called into work Thursday night.  Something will have to get moved around.  

Today after training, Brian and Mike (BlackHole) had their own Black Belt rolling session.  It was pretty to watch, as its not often you get a chance to sit and watch two quality Black Belts go at it.  Plus, it always fun to see Brian put in challenging situations because I'm pretty sure it never happens during class.

Other notes...For minute or two I had Clay in a tight situation.  I hit him with a nice sweep, transitioned to armbar then a kimura.  I wasn't able to finish so he powered through and proceeded to dog me per usual.  I was close though :)  I just gotta keep at it.  He is a solid purple belt and a stand-up guy, I like him...Went with my daughter to watch some guys play Gaelic football.  I've seen it online, but never in person.  It definitely looks fun and if I had time I would give it a try.  For now I'll just watch...I can't fucking wait to compete next month!